Few / a Few, Little / a Little
Few / a few, little / a little dipakai untuk menunjukkan jumlah atau bilangan. Kata itu untuk memperlihatkan seberapa banyak atau besar jumlah yang ada di satu keadaan atau keadaan dengan bahasa Inggris.
Few / a Few
A few ialah lebih dari few.
Kita menggunakan a few dan few + plural countable noun.
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adjective clause
few pencils, few envelopes, few people, a few pencils, a few envelopes, a few people.
A few adalah gagasan positif, Contoh: At least, we have a few good employees with creative idea.
Few adalah gagasan negative. Yang memiliki arti “almost none”. Kita dapat menggunakan very few.
I’m very disappointed; I only have a few good partners at work.
I’m very disappointed, I have very few good partners at work.
(Kedua kalimat ini memiliki arti I don’t have many good partners – I would like to have more)
A few dan few memiliki irregular comparative dan superlative forms
#Belajar Few a Few Little a Little dalam Bahasa Inggris
A few – more – the most
Few – fewer – the fewest
Little / a Little
A little lebih dari little
Kita menggunakan a little dan little + an uncountable, Contoh: a little candy, a little money, a little time.
A little ialah gagasan positif yang memiliki makna “some but not much”
Bandingkan: I can help you, I speak a little Spanish.
Little ialah gagasan negatif yang memiliki makna “nearly none, nearly nothing”
Kita dapat menggunakan very little.
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kata ganti kepemilikan
– I can’t help you. I only speak a little Spanish.
– I can’t help you. I speak very little Spanish.
(Kedua kalimat itu memiliki makna My Spanish is bad. I would like to speak Spanish better)
A little and little memiliki irregular comparative dan superlative forms.
A little – more – the most
Little – less – the least
Instagram: @kampunginggrismm
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