#Belajar Bahasa Inggrisnya 23

Online Course Bahasa Inggris

Belajar Bahasa Inggrisnya 23, mulai dari 1-25. Terdiri dari 2 jenis, Cardinal number atau angka kardinal (satu, dua, tiga, dll.) yaitu kata karakter yang mengarah ke jumlah atau kuantitas sebuah bilangan. Ordinal number atau bilangan bertingkat (pertama, ke-2 , ke-3 , dll.) merujuk ke distribusi.

Belajar Bahasa Inggrisnya 23

Tes pengetahuan Kamu dalam penyebutan Cardinal Number (Kiri) juga Ordinal Number (Kanan) :

1 one first
2 two second
3 three third
4 four fourth
5 five fifth
6 six sixth
7 seven seventh
8 eight eighth
9 nine ninth
10 ten tenth

11 eleven eleventh

12 twelve twelfth

13 thirteen thirteenth

14 fourteen fourteenth

15 fifteen fifteenth

16 sixteen sixteenth

17 seventeen seventeenth

18 eighteen eighteenth

19 nineteen nineteenth

20 twenty twentieth

21 twenty-one twenty-first

22 twenty-two twenty-second

23 twenty-three twenty-third

24 twenty-four twenty-fourth

25 twenty-five twenty-fifth

Baca Juga

Artinya His

Contoh :

  • There are twenty-five people in the room.
  • He was the fourteenth individu to win the award.
  • Six hundred thousand people were left homeless after the earthquake.
  • I must have asked you twenty times to be quiet.
  • He went to Israel for the third time this year.

Website: https://kampunginggrismm.com/

Instagram: @kampunginggrismm