Tipe 3 Conditional Dalam kalimat type 3 conditional, tense dalam klausa if ialah past perfect dan tense dalam klausa khusus ialah perfect conditional atau perfect continuous conditional.
Klausa if (keadaan) Klausa khusus (hasil/akibat)
If + past perfect perfect conditional atau perfect continuous conditional
If this thing had happened that thing would have happened.
Sama seperti pada semua kalimat conditional, posisi klausa tidak masih tetap. Anda kemungkinan harus sesuaikan kata tukar (pronoun) dan pertanda baca saat mengganti posisi klausa, tapi maknanya sama.
Tipe 3 Conditional
- If it had rained, you would have gotten wet.
- You would have gotten wet if it had rained.
- You would have passed your exam if you had worked harder.
- If you had worked harder, you would have passed your exam.
- I would have believed you if you hadn’t lied to me before.
- If you hadn’t lied to me before, I would have believed you.
Tipe 3 conditional mengarah ke keadaan mustahil di periode lalu dan peluang hasilnya di periode kemarin. Beberapa kalimat ini betul-betul sebagai pengandaian dan tidak riil karena telah telat untuk dilaksanakan saat ini dan hasilnya tidak kemungkinan terjadi. Ada selalu implementasi penyesalan dalam kalimat type 3 conditional. Realitanya sebagai kontradiksi dari yang dipastikan oleh kalimat. Dalam kalimat type 3 conditional, waktunya ialah masa lampau dan kondisinya sebagai pengandaian atau mungkin tidak riil.
- If I had worked harder I would have passed the exam. (Tapi, saya tidak berusaha keras dan saya tidak lulus ujian.)
- If I had known you were coming I would have baked a cake. (Tapi, saya tidak paham dan saya tidak memanggang kue.)
- I would have been bahagia if you had called me on my birthday. (Tapi, Anda tidak menghubungi saya dan saya tidak suka.)
Dalam kalimat type 3 conditional, Anda dapat memakai modal dalam klausa khusus dan bukan would untuk menyatakan tingkat kejelasan, izin, atau referensi tentang hasil atau karena akhir.
Baca Juga:
5 Jenis Teks Bahasa Inggris yang Harus Kamu Pelajari
- If I had worked harder I might have passed the exam.
- You could have been on time if you had caught the bis.
- If he called you, you could go.
- If you bought my school supplies for me, I might be able to go to the park.
Baik would dan had bisa dipersingkat jadi ‘d, yang kemungkinan memusingkan bila Anda tidak percaya memakai kalimat type 3 conditional. Ingat-ingatlah 2 ketentuan:
- Would tak pernah ada dalam klausa if, hingga bila ‘d ada dalam klausa if, tentu itu ialah ringkasan dari had.
- Had tak pernah ada saat sebelum have, hingga bila ‘d ada di muka kata tukar (pronoun) pas saat sebelum have, tentu itu ialah ringkasan dari would.
- If I’d known you were in hospital, I’d have visited you.
- If I had known you were in hospital, I would have visited you.
- I’d have bought you a present if I’d known it was your birthday.
- I would have bought you a present if I had known it was your birthday.
- If you’d given me your email, I’d have written to you.
- If you had given me your email, I would have written to you.
Perfect conditional tense
Perfect conditional dari kata kerja apa saja terdiri dari 3 elemen:
would + have + past participle
Have yang dituruti oleh past participle dipakai dalam skema lain. Skema ini disebutkan “perfect infinitive”.
Subjek + would + have + past participle
He would have gone
They would have stayed
To Go: perfect conditional
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Tawarkan Kontribusi atau Offering Help dalam Bahasa Inggris
Positif Negatif Pertanyaan Pertanyaan Negatif
I would have gone I wouldn’t have gone Would I have gone? Wouldn’t I have gone?
You would have gone You wouldn’t have gone Would you have gone? Wouldn’t you have gone?
He would have gone He wouldn’t have gone Would he have gone? Wouldn’t he have gone?
She would have gone She wouldn’t have gone Would she have gone? Wouldn’t she have gone?
We would have gone We wouldn’t have gone Would we have gone? Wouldn’t we have gone?
They would have gone They wouldn’t have gone Would they have gone? Wouldn’t they have gone?
Website: https://kampunginggrismm.com/
Instagram: @kampunginggrismm
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